Health News

Do No Harm?

You may have heard the statistic once or twice before: Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US.

1. Heart Disease

2. Cancer

3. Medical Error

Where does this come from? Well, this stat originated with a study named “To Err is human,” published in 2000, and the media ran with it.

A 2016 study by Johns Hopkins Medicine reaffirmed this, listing medical error as the number 3 killer. It puts the number of deaths at approximately 250,000 per year, trailing only heart disease and cancer, each with around 600,000 deaths, and surpassing respiratory disease, with around 150,000 deaths.

Out of the 70 studies analyzed covering 337,025 patients, it was found that the average preventable harm caused by doctors stands at 6%. Within that 6%, 12% of cases were severe or fatal to the patient. The largest contributors were drugs at 25% and other advanced specialties (intensive care and surgery) at 24%, compared to general hospitals.

However, these studies only looked at reported data, which suggests that these numbers are likely underreported. Given the history of the medical profession, it’s reasonable to assume that many errors go unreported due to reluctance to acknowledge mistakes.

A study published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) pointed out that death certificates do not track medical errors and called for the CDC to overhaul the system to accommodate this. The CDC disputed this, claiming its approach aligns with international guidelines. However, the CDC doesn’t count medical errors even if listed on the death certificate, instead attributing the cause of death to whatever condition was being treated.

Dr. Martin Makary, the lead researcher, highlighted the discrepancy, stating, “You have this overappreciation and overestimate of things like cardiovascular disease, and a vast underrecognition of the place of medical care as the cause of death.” He emphasized the impact this has on national health priorities and research grants.

It’s important to note that this study has its critics. They argue that the data collected is limited to a few hospitals and may not accurately represent all hospitals nationwide. Additionally, different doctors faced with the same information may make different decisions, making it challenging to pinpoint whether a specific decision led to a patient’s death.

In essence, the need for accurate reporting, data collection, and action is crucial in addressing medical errors and preventing unnecessary deaths.


OIL Pulling for a Healthy Mouth

OIL Pulling for a Healthy Mouth


Our mouths are full of microorganisms (or microbes for short). In fact there are more of them in our mouth than people living on this planet! That’s both gross and incredible to me. Thankfully these microbes are necessary and quite beneficial. As is the variety of people in the world, so is the variety of microbes in our mouth! There’s a different community type at the back, to the side, to the front, and everywhere in between. As they take care of us for their whole lives, it is our job to make sure they’re all well cared for too. To do this it means maintaining a proper balance of all the microbes in your mouth. A very simple way to achieve this is Oil Pulling, which I will speak about in a moment. However doing this alone will not counter a bad diet, which is one of the fastest ways to kill off the good microbes. To help maintain a good environment in your mouth make sure to; 

Keep fully hydrated

Eat more vegetables than meat

And STOP the dairy, wheat and refined sugars.


Refined sugar is one of the worst things you can put in your body. It feeds the pathogenic microbes that are living in the mouth. These, if unchecked, can start eating away at the enamel on your teeth and we all know where that leads. I don’t know about you but I would prefer not to spend a fortune at the dentist every few months. Thankfully, as I mentioned earlier, a very simple thing we can all do to maintain a proper balance in the mouth is Oil Pulling.


The practice of Oil Pulling has been around for over 3,000 years! First originating in India with Ayurvedic medicine, used for purifying the body by pulling out toxins through the gums and mouth.


Oil Pulling is taking a spoonful of coconut oil and swishing it around in your mouth for about 10-20 minutes then spitting it out. Pretty simple right? But please DON’T spit it down the sink! The coconut oil will cool and harden, which will then block up your drains. Spit it outside on the grass or soil to let the microbes there eat up the waste. ALSO rinse out your mouth with water straight after to get all the ‘dirty’ oil out. This is a simple and easy way to maintain a good balance of the microbes in your mouth.


Oil Pulling does exactly what it sounds like, it pulls waste out of the tongue, pulls waste out of the glands under the tongue, and pulls waste out of the blood vessels under the tongue. And very helpful for reducing plaque build-up and help prevent plaque-induced gingivitis. The longer you push and pull the oil through your mouth the more microbes are pulled free. The oil needs to be swished around long enough for it to turn a milky white. Just take around a half to full teaspoon of good quality unrefined organic coconut oil and swish it around your mouth like a regular mouthwash. If you’re in a colder climate or it’s winter the coconut oil may go hard, thats no problem just let it melt for a few seconds on your tongue before swishing it around. 


There are some other oils that people use for Oil Pulling but I have only used Coconut Oil. Not only is the flavour not bad, it is pretty easy to come by, not too expensive and also naturally contains antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. 


You do not need to brush your teeth before Oil Pulling as the process will remove food and bacteria from the mouth. However, it is important to brush afterwards to ensure that all the toxins that are drawn out of the mouth are removed entirely. 

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Do No Harm

Do No Harm?

You may have heard the statistic once or twice before: Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. 1. Heart Disease

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Food Health Natural

Celtic Sea Salt and its Benefits

Celtic Sea Salt and its Benefits


Salt, it’s been here with us since creation. It was, at a time, thought so valuable to be given as a form of payment for wages, ever heard the term “worth his salt”?. This practice continued over many centuries.  


Salt, it’s a preserver, a flavour enhancer, and hard to find a culture where salt isn’t used in traditional cooking. So when did it become so bad for us?


The short answer is because salt is no longer salt. Meaning the salt used on mass today is not the salt that was used in the past. Table salt, you know the one used in restaurants, cafes, homes, in all our takeaways and most packaged foods? Isn’t whole, natural salt. That salt has been so refined that only two minerals remain in it, but we need all of them. 


There’s a Bible verse in the book of Matthew 5:13 where Jesus says “ye are the salt of the earth, if the salt hath lost its savour wherewith shall it be salted? It’s henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden underfoot by men”. Just think of that when you look at using table salt next time. 


Contrary to current opinions whole Salt, the one God made for us, is not bad for us, our bodies need salt to function properly. The focus should be on which type of salt, this is the important difference. Table salt is the one which has given all salt a harmful reputation. If you can be mindful about which salt you’re consuming, your body will thank you for it.  


Take for example Celtic Salt, it is one of the best salts you can have. Followed by Himylayan salt, but this article will focus specifically on Celtic Salt. 


Let’s begin with proper introductions. Celtic Salt is harvested by hand off the Brittany Coast of France, as it has been for centuries. It is known as a wet or damp salt, this is because it is left to naturally dry out while still retaining a high moisture content referred to as the salt brine. Thanks to the location and traditional harvest practices it remains packed full of minerals. 82 of them to be exact, this includes 3 magnesium, which are Magnesium Sulphate, Magnesium Bromide and Magnesium Chloride. All very necessary in the body as you’ll see.   


Our bodies are so mineral deficient today due to mass farming which leaves our soils nutrient deficient, which makes the plants nutrient deficient which then makes us nutrient deficient. It’s a pretty crappy cycle we’ve gotten ourselves into in the pursuit of high production and profits (a whole topic in itself). 


I want to talk specifically about your pancreatic cells now. Because the pancreas cannot make the hormones needed to balance the blood sugar levels unless it has adequate minerals, and the best place, the cheapest place, the most effective place to get them are found in salt (again it’s the good quality salts, not table salt). We need minerals to be found in a way that the body can use them, and because minerals in salt are present in the same way that they are found in the body, when you do take into your body it liquifies and gets through the membrane of the cells, bringing with it that water into the cells. I realise this goes against common thought today that salt dehydrates you. When in reality, the quickest way to hydrate a body is to take in the water with quality salt. To counter this, take a crystal of celtic salt on your tongue before you drink a glass of water whenever you can and you will begin to replace the minerals you lost the day before. This is especially important in hot weather or after exercising when we are sweating a lot more. Mineral rich Salt, like Celtic and Himalayan, contain the mechanisms that allow water to be taken inside your bodys’ cells. 

If you were taught that salt is bad and you’re mostly eliminating it from your diet then my suggestion is to reintroduce it slowly. Have a tiny bit here and there until you gradually increase to being with every to most cups of water. This is because if your body has had no salt, it has adapted and adjusted to that and it would be too great of a shock to slam it with too much too quickly. Thankfully though it is an incredibly made body and will readapt, it will just take a little bit of time getting the body to adapt and adjust to having proper salt. 


Generally speaking we need to be having at least 8 glasses of water a day. This can sound overwhelming for some people. I know a few friends of mine who struggle with drinking “plain boring water”. Thankfully for those lucky people, they have a friend like me who constantly rides them to make sure they drink plenty of water when we hang out. In summertime it’s obviously a lot easier for people to drink enough water. But when it gets to the colder winter months, it starts to become more of a struggle, I must admit even for me, a water lover, winter can make it a struggle to drink enough! 


I have always loved water, even as a kid. I was brought up on it and only rarely did me and my siblings get to drink other things like cordial, juice, and flavoured milk. Such ‘treats’ only really happened when we would visit friends’ houses or parties. Though I remember loving the rare occasion when mum would buy a big tin of pineapple juice for us, we would devour it within seconds of opening. I’m glad my siblings and I weren’t brought up having soft drinks and flavoured drinks as being normal. I see now how prolific these drinks are in peoples’ everyday consumption, without a second thought! Having been raised on water it taught me an appreciation for it, even though I must admit to having soft drinks and other things from time to time, I still know they are useless drinks, no good for hydration and actually harmful for the body. Even in the process of writing this article I’m re-realising how harmful these occasional drinks are for my health and am intentionally avoiding them when they’re offered. 


One of the best ways to drink enough water is to take it in little by little. I heard a woman liken it to watering a plant when it becomes too dry. If you pour a whole jug on it’ll drain out straight away. However, if you pour the water on little by little, giving the soil time to soak it in, then there won’t be any overflow. For us it means if you guzzle a whole lot at once then you’ll be taking multiple trips to the toilet, but if you keep it slow and steady you give your body time to do its work and process it properly through the body. I keep a water bottle by my bed so I can have a few sips before sleeping and also when I wake up in the morning. I also keep a ceramic water cistern in the kitchen so whenever I pass by it, throughout the day, I can easily fill up my glass. This is also where the salt comes in. I keep a small container of the Celtic Salt next to the water pot (there is a very helpful technique of making good habits easy and accessible, you can read more about it in the Atomic Habits Review)


By sipping water throughout the day you’re halfway to getting the water into your cells. The other half is taking in the good salt first. The CBD (Central Business District) for the body is the cell and is where we need that water to be. To get the water into the cell we need (good quality) salt. I like to use Celtic Salt specifically because it has 82 minerals and 3 magnesium which quite literally pull the water inside our cells.


So how should we consume the salt? 

I take it by putting a small grain of the celtic salt on my tongue and letting it dissolve before drinking a glass of water. I try to do this for every glass, obviously that’s not always going to happen but every time I can is still better than none at all. 


Have it before water

Have it on food

Have good quality salt! 


Can you cook with it?

Yes, Celtic Salt is great to cook with and I use it in soups, on roast veggies, put it with whatever you want!

Another very important factor to remember is the quality of the water you consume. Water Quality is another topic I’ll be writing about. Because poor quality water, and I don’t mean dirty stagnant water you’ll find outside, I assume most of us know not to drink that kind of water. I’m talking about the water people are drinking today without a second thought as to its mineral and health qualities and that’s bottled water and tap water in a lot of cities and towns. Water by nature is a mineral grabbing and holding element. So if you’re having water with little to no mineral content, then as it goes through your body it pulls the minerals you do have and takes them as it leaves. Leaving you depleted of the already hard to come by minerals that the body needs. 


Look out for the Water Quality article where I’ll go deeper into this topic! 

Food Health Natural

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar


After scouring the internet for articles on the subject of apple cider vinegar it becomes apparent that it is a pretty widely known health tonic and there is a fair bit of science to back this up, though interestingly (or maybe obviously) this view is not held by all and there are some detractors of this centuries-old medicine stating things like “more science is needed” or “little evidence of benefits”. I would argue the point that maybe something that has been used successfully for many centuries might be ok. But I will leave that to you, the reader, to decide. 

Every scientific study I found will be linked from this article and if I miss any feel free to let me know so I can add them in.


Historical records dating back to 400 B.C. show that apple cider vinegar was used by Hippocrates as a healing elixir, antibiotic, and general health tonic. It has also been used by the ancient Babylonians.


What is it?

So, what exactly is Apple Cider Vinegar? Many consider it a superfood. It is produced through a two-step process: yeast is added to crushed apples and water to create alcohol, which is then converted into acetic acid by bacteria. This acetic acid gives apple cider vinegar its distinct sour smell and flavour. Interestingly, apple cider vinegar does not require refrigeration and can last almost indefinitely, even being used to preserve food.

The word vinegar comes from the Latin vinum meaning ‘wine’ + acer ‘sour’.

 An old Chinese saying goes “Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea are indispensable in our daily life”

and In Japan, “Less salt, more vinegar” is listed second in the ten longevity rules.

Organic unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar will also contain a kind of cloudy fibre in the bottom of the bottle called Mother, yes Mother, a strange name but that’s what it’s called, this is made up of proteins, enzymes and good bacteria and is a probiotic. This is considered by many to have many good health qualities though through my research some claim “no studies support this”. Also contains vitamins B and C and acetic acid can increase absorption of important minerals from the foods we eat.

It is recommended to avoid distilled and pasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar and opt for a raw organic versions instead.


Gut Health

As we age, our stomach acid decreases, affecting protein breakdown and mineral absorption. Inadequate stomach acid can lead to bloating and gas. Weaker acids like apple cider vinegar stimulate the stomach to produce a healthy amount of acid, improving digestion and aiding the release of alkalizing enzymes from the pancreas. This alkalizing effect helps maintain a balanced pH level in the body, crucial for preventing chronic health conditions, including cancer.


Bacterial Disinfectant

Apple cider vinegar has a long history of use as a cleaning and disinfecting agent. It has been utilized to treat various conditions such as nail fungus, lice, warts, ear infections, dandruff to name a few.. Hippocrates himself used it to clean wounds. 


Type 2 Diabetes

Several small studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can significantly reduce blood sugar and insulin response, as well as improve insulin sensitivity after consuming high-carb meals. However, the medical community is divided on this topic, emphasizing that apple cider vinegar should not replace current medical treatments.


Weight Loss

Research indicates that apple cider vinegar can increase feelings of fullness, leading to reduced food intake and subsequent weight loss. A study involving 175 people with obesity demonstrated that daily consumption of apple cider vinegar resulted in reduced belly fat and weight loss. 

Taking one tablespoon (15ml) participants lost 2.6 pounds (1.2kg) taking two tablespoons (30ml) participants lost 3.7 pounds (1.7kg) over a three-month period. 


  1. Heart health

While some studies suggest that apple cider vinegar may have potential benefits for heart health, it’s important to note that the majority of these studies have been conducted on animals or in laboratory settings. As a result, more research is needed to determine the specific effects of apple cider vinegar on cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure in humans.

The limited human studies available on this topic have shown mixed results. Some studies have found a modest reduction in LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in participants who consumed apple cider vinegar. However, these studies were small in scale and had limitations in their design, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions.

Similarly, a few studies on animals have suggested that apple cider vinegar may help lower blood pressure. However, it’s important to remember that animal studies do not always directly translate to the same effects in humans.

Overall, while there is some preliminary evidence suggesting the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar for heart health markers, more well-designed studies involving human participants are needed to establish a clear link between apple cider vinegar consumption and its effects on cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure. As always, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable before making any significant changes to your diet or treatment plan for heart-related conditions.


Skin health

Apple cider vinegar has been popularly used in skincare for various purposes, including treating acne, dry skin, and eczema. The theory behind its potential benefits lies in the slight acidity of the vinegar, which is believed to help rebalance the natural pH of the skin and improve the protective skin barrier. Additionally, apple cider vinegar’s antibacterial properties may assist in preventing skin infections associated with eczema and other skin conditions.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when using apple cider vinegar on the skin. Undiluted vinegar can be harsh and may cause skin irritation. It should always be diluted before test application. Mixing a small amount of apple cider vinegar into a face wash or using it as a toner, diluted with water, is a common approach.


Drinking dosage

The common dosage is anywhere from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons (10-30ml) a day diluted into a glass of water. Most dieticians and naturopaths recommend using organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to preserve the “mother” 

Apple cider vinegar reactions are rare but it is generally best to err on the side of caution and start low and see how your body reacts. 


Hair conditioner 

Some people report that one part water to one part apple cider vinegar used as a conditioner (apply to hair and soak for between 5-15mins) makes hair glossy, shiny and dandruff free. 

I haven’t tried this one myself but If you have any experience with this, comment below as I would love to hear it. 


Reduced inflammation 

It has been used for the treatment of some inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and ankylosing spondylitis. It is theorised that because taking apple cider vinegar increases good gut bacteria it can help with inflammation. There don’t seem to be any studies on this one, however. not that I could find anyway. 



According to the National Psoriasis Foundation applying Organic apple cider vinegar to scalp psoriasis can help lessen the itch from scaly patches. The National Psoriasis Foundation does however warn against applying it to any area of the skin that is cracking or bleeding.


Side Effects? 

As with most natural remedies the side effects of Apple cider vinegar are rare and generally quite mild. Taking excessive amounts may decrease potassium which can be dangerous in people with high blood pressure. 

Apple cider vinegar can also cause low blood sugar when combined with Diabetes medication or insulin 


A single laboratory study on enamel samples (teeth)  incubated for 4 and 8 hours in various depths of different kinds of vinegar including “Bio Vinegar” found some erosion, in 20% of the sample after 8 hours in the case of Bio vinegar (ph 3.1). It should be noted that this is a single study, done in a laboratory 


Chemical skin burns were noted in a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. The paper tells of a young teen who “applied several drops of apple cider vinegar daily for three days straight to the nevi on her nose, occluding the area with bandages. By the second day, significant erythema and irritation were noted at the application site.” The young teen also stated that her nevi “peeled off a couple of days later.” the authors of the study noted “Physical examination revealed noninflammatory, poorly defined erosions on the left nasal ala and left nasal alar crease”

Esophageal burns were found in some Apple cider vinegar tablets bought off the internet according to this study 


it should be noted that the study also stated that “Doubt remains as to whether apple cider vinegar was in fact an ingredient in the evaluated products.”

Apple cider vinegar may also react with diuretics, laxatives, and medicines for diabetes and heart disease.

The environmental working group rates apple cider vinegar as a low overall hazard when in beauty products and an A (or lowest concern) as a cleaning ingredient. 


EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning | APPLE CIDER VINEGAR | Substance


There is so much written on apple cider vinegar that is out in the ether (that is the internet) and honestly, I don’t think I’ve done anything more than scratch the surface of this amazing tonic. So expect more on this topic as I dig deeper!

Food Health Natural

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera



I was brought up knowing Aloe Vera was an incredibly healing plant. Though it wasn’t until I suffered a third-degree burn on my stomach, that I truly understood how powerful of a healer it is. 



I was home alone and the pain was incredible! All I could think to do was put some of Mums fresh aloe vera plant straight on it. When Mum came home she quickly ran to the neighbour’s house (who was a nurse) they came over and had a look. She saw how well it was calming my skin and subsiding the pain so told me to just keep applying it, the hospital wouldn’t offer me anything better. So I continued to cut leaves large enough to cover the burn, cut those pieces in half and then taped them on, aloe vera flesh to my skin. As soon as my body soaked all of the moisture from the half leaf I did it all again. It was working so well in fact that I wasn’t going to be left with any sort of mark or scarring. For some reason, this disappointed me at the time, so I stopped applying any more so I could have at least a small scar. Strange, I know. But it was a few days later and the pain had well and truly subsided along with the skin no longer being raw. 



Ever since then, anytime I have a cut or scrape etc, immediately I will put Aloe Vera straight on. It works extremely quickly and depending on the size of the wound it can take a few minutes or a few days to heal up the problem. The Aloe Vera flesh is incredibly soothing and can be put on skin conditions like psoriasis, acne, rashes, sunburn and more. 



The benefits of Aloe Vera cannot be overestimated. It is an incredibly versatile and beneficial plant that has many benefits when used internally and externally. I highly suggest that everyone start growing some at home.



Can you eat it? 

The short answer is yes. But just the gel flesh. The older growth, which is the big thick leaves, is the most potent. You must peel the leaf before using it as there is a yellow sap that irritates the gut. If you have constipation, however, this would certainly stimulate bowel movement, So if you cut away from the tough outer skin then you are left with the gel hunk of clear Aloe Vera. You can also cut a leaf straight off the plant and sit it on a plate until all the yellow sap drains out. 


Why would you eat it? 

It contains a growth stimulant which causes rapid new cell growth, great for repairing damage internally and externally. It is naturally slimy which is incredibly good for coating, soothing and healing. Put it on cuts, scratches, burns etc as well as internally a sore throat, stomach ulcer, the lining of the gut, Irritable Bowel (IBS), and Crohn’s disease. If you consider that the inside of your gastrointestinal tract is just like the inside of your mouth, sort of a bit slimy, it and aloe vera is like that. And that sliminess from the aloe vera plant is what the gastrointestinal tract loves. It coats, soothes and heals the lining. 



A sore throat can be so painful that you can’t even swallow, it feels like razor blades because of the pain. You can cut off a leaf, slice it in half and eat the fleshy centre straight, not the skin. It can be a bit bitter (but remember there is an old saying, “Bitter to the tongue sweet to the stomach and liver”). You can also slice a small section and put it straight on mouth ulcers and leave for a while before throwing away the skin. 



There is also a special type of polysaccharide that is in the aloe vera. Polysaccharide means mini sugar. And this one stimulates cell-to-cell communication which is extremely important. When it is working as it should it will not allow cancer cells to get a hold of the body. Cancer cells take hold of the body when cell-to-cell communication has been compromised and the body doesn’t know there’s a problem cell there (and festering). When cell-to-cell communication is vibrant, then a cancer cell can’t get a hold of the body because the communication system says (quickly) there’s a problem (and pinpoints it and sends white blood cells to deal with it). 



Drinking it?

You can chop up the aloe vera leaf skin and flesh together (so you get the B12 that’s on the leaf skin). Drain out the yellow slime and put those pieces into a jug of water (eg 1 big leaf into 2lt jug of water) let that sit (for about 6 hours) then drink the water. It will have an aloe vera taste (obviously) you can put a bit of mint in or squeeze some juice of lemon. After 24 hours the water should be drunk but you can fill it back up and make use of the same aloe vera for a full 48 hours. 



So cut up the aloe vera, let it sit in water overnight then in the morning have a cup full and a squeeze of lemon to start the morning. Make sure to remove skin if you want to eat and just have clear flesh.

You can also chop it then drain it then slice it then dehydrate it then blend it to a powder then take it with you travelling and add a spoonful to water. 


The Aloe vera does something else too. It has a natural probiotic (B12)  in it, which is an airborne bacteria. Unless the plant has dirt or manure on it. So if you don’t wash it you will be getting B12 from your fresh-picked herbs and leaves. 

To grow aloe vera you can put its pups all around to see where it likes best and then add more to the area and grow a whole lot! 

Health Natural


Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

“If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other”

                                                                                                                                        – Dr Schulze

I am personally a big fan of adding spice to food, though I wouldn’t say that I have a high tolerance for spicy food. I will sit with a plate of hot wings and be snotting and tearing, even wiping off excess sauce so I can manage to finish the meal. But I love it. And will continue to add hot sauce or spice to every meal that I can. Sprinkling cayenne or paprika on, pouring tabasco or sriracha to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even sushi is not safe from being topped off with some form of spice. 

So how happy can you imagine I was when I found out how incredibly and specifically good for you cayenne pepper is! My love for it had been validated in the best way possible. I was now an elite eater. Well, that’s a bit far but you get my point. Finding out how beneficial it can be is always in the back of my mind. I was already a big fan of adding it to everything. Now though I am definitely more thoughtful when I do have it, going the extra step to include it in a meal or juice. So, for all my spice-loving friends here is what I have learned so far about this glorious fiery pepper.


Some of the benefits of Cayenne pepper is that it gets blood moving. It is also the very best and quickest-acting blood thinner, making it a lifesaver in any event of a heart attack. You can give it to someone having a heart attack and it will get the blood vessels open and the blood moving quicker than anything. Use it when going on a plane in place of aspirin (which by the way has its own list of harmful side effects). 

Cayenne eliminates the need for aspirin or any blood thinning medication, which should come as some welcome news to many as all those medications have very nasty side effects, including brain bleeds. An easy way to add it to your morning and to get a great wake-up kick is pouring some in with your water or juice. 

Put it with any other herb and it will intensify their benefits. It is a very safe herb and will never cause harm to the body, making it impossible to abuse cayenne pepper or overdo its use. Obviously, this calls for common sense to be used. 

Cayenne is also a wonderful herb for your heart. Although it is a great blood thinner, when taken orally it will also constrict bleeding vessels, treat and heal stomach ulcers and open arteries to get blood moving to where it should. Meaning that it will stop leaks AND get the blood moving

Used externally you can put it straight on a cut to stop the bleeding. Use it as a poultice or compress to wake up an under-active thyroid, by just placing the Cayenne poultice on top of your thyroid for a few hours. It is useful to know that often the cause of either an over or underactive thyroid is iodine deficiency, as this is its main food source. Excess mercury in the body gobbles up your selenium which your thyroid needs to convert iodine into thyroxine. 

You can even rub some iodine on your temples to help relieve headaches and migraines. As migraines are caused due to blood flow being restricted to your brain, cayenne pepper with its blood flow benefits is good to ingest to help ease the causes. 

Cayenne pepper is incredibly helpful for your gut health. It promotes good digestion and increases gastric juices and helps promote enzyme production to break down foods. It also helps boost the good bacteria in your gut!

As it is incredible for treating inflammation it can be included in pain relief topically in creams or poultices to encourage blood flow and healing to the affected area. 

peppers are fantastic sources of antioxidants and other plant compounds that protect our cells and promote health,

Quick overview of more benefits! 

For a sore throat dissolve Cayenne pepper and natural rock salt in warm water and gargle, this will treat the cause and relieve symptoms. 

Relieves stomach aches, gas and cramps.

Stimulates and improves digestion, 

Helps ease inflammation in turn easing back pain, fibromyalgia arthritic joint pain

Lowers blood pressure and increases cardiovascular performance 

Protects and improves heart health

Significant health effects on the respiratory system and mucus membranes, Stimulates secretions and clears mucus from lungs and sinuses

Promotes excess weight loss, helps maintain a healthy weight, boosts metabolism 


Rebuilds stomach tissue

Supports peristaltic action in the intestines

Reduces plaque buildup in your arteries

Detoxifier helps to flush toxins from the body

Stimulates circulation

Neutralises (negative) acidity in the body

Improves blood sugar control 

Strengthens immunity

Neuralgia, nerve pain from sciatica, shingles

Packed with nutritional elements including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K, B6, Potassium, Manganese, Riboflavin, Iron, Calcium, Fiber and Protein, to name a few!

Anti-ageing benefits. Increases mitochondrial production by 50%

Antiviral support and effective against both HSV-1 and HSV-2

To ease pain and clear congestion

you can put cayenne pepper with any other herb and it’ll intensify its actions internally.

Treats and heals stomach ulcers, it is a wonderful healer it’ll constrict the bleeding vessels, 

if you need to open the arteries it’ll just open that, that’s how the herbs work with the body. 

Cayenne pepper moves blood,

If you have a cut you pour cayenne pepper into it and it’ll stop the bleeding. It is also impossible to cause a lesion with cayenne pepper.

Best blood thinner, no need for aspirin 

Very safe herb, it will never harm. You can also use it internally if someone has a heart attack.

High beta-carotene content, helps reduce symptoms of asthma and increases immunity

Reduces cholesterol levels

You can also use cayenne pepper to wake up areas of the body that may be sleeping ie underactive thyroid. 


Health Natural


8 Foundamentals for Health

  1. SLEEP 

“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”- 1 Peter 5:8


We all need it but some are getting far too much and others not nearly enough. The optimum time is 8 hours, somewhere between 8pm to 6am. If you want to properly care for your body, this is a non-negotiable. During these specific hours your brain is sorting and filing information, your body is finally getting time to work on maintenance and repairs.

Having late meals puts your digestive system to work for the next 4 hours right when it needs the rest.

Screen time before bed alerts the brain and wakes you up right when you’re needing to fall asleep.

Late sleep time paired with early starts or sleeping to excess throws off your bodies internal clock and ability to predict a good time to regenerate and repair. 

It’s not just us who like predictability and habits, your physical body does too!  All these bad habits add together to degrade the body rather than caring for and nourishing it. Your bodies repair crew has quite a job to do in maintaining, restoration and repairing while you sleep. It is imperative we give our bodies the right time and conditions to do the work properly. Allowing us to have healthy and functioning bodies to their full capabilities.

Rest and recovery time for your body is vital and this happens most when we are sleeping.

8 hours of sleep is a non-negotiable, for a healthy and fully functioning body. It is during this time that the body goes into ‘low power’ mode so it can focus its efforts on repairs and recovery. The best hours for this to happen have been extensively studied and the results widely show that between the hours of 8pm – 4am, 9pm – 5am and at a stretch 10pm – 6am are the most beneficial. You can read more on the importance on this in Dr Matthew Walker’s bestselling book ‘Why We Sleep’.  




Contrary to current belief, the sun is not a killer in the sky. If that were the case, then skin cancer rates would have plummeted since the release of sunscreens and sun smart campaigns. In reality skin cancer and cancer rates have been on a drastic and consistent increase since the industrial revolution. Coincidental? 

It should go without saying that it is possible to overdo sun exposure. Hence the lobster people we see at beaches every summer. You must learn your complexion and its limit because we need daily sun exposure to get our body its primary source of Vitamin D which is essential for the bodys’ assimilation of calcium and many other benefits. If you have fair skin maybe limit full sun to around 15 minutes, if you have darker skin, you will need longer to get the same Vitamin D absorption. This is to be done without sunscreen. Aside from the obvious fact that humans have thrived on earth since our creation, without it needing the relatively new ointments and creams. They are full of a myriad of known carcinogens and toxins. Simply follow the basic rule, if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth then best not put it on your skin.



  1. AIR 

Really it’s a non-negotiable. Stop breathing and you stop living very soon after. Basically, we need good clean air to give our bodies cells the oxygen they need to function, therefore keeping us functioning. It is crucial that the air you are breathing is as pure and good as it can be. It stands to reason that you don’t want to be breathing in car fumes and industrial plant smog. The best air is fresh clean air. Many cultures have understood this for centuries. Take a look at the Japanese practice of Forrest Bathing.

In cold climates and weather, it is still important that while you are sleeping you are breathing in fresh air so be sure to keep the window open. Of course, that means to be warm and rugged up in your bed. It is suggested that a factor for people waking up tired is because they’re not breathing fresh air while they sleep. 

The most powerful way to oxygenate the body is exercise. Which leads to the fourth foundation.




Our bodies need to be moving every single day. Exercise is not an optional thing if you want good health. It’s also not just for the gym junkies. Exercise can be as simple as walking around your block every morning or evening. The more you do that the more you build up strength and ability to walk farther for longer and even begin to try new activities. Exercise should never be a chore.

Find something you enjoy and do it daily or break up your routine with different activities. Anything that will get your body moving. The more consistently you exercise the better functioning your lungs will be. Lack of use causes lung capacity to decrees and even partially go dormant. The great news is it can all be reversed with simple daily exercise. 

Some of the best forms of exercises are; Walking, Swimming, Dancing and being intimate. Even join a recreational team for great exercise and great company. Sometimes it takes stepping out of your comfort zone.  




A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” – Provers 25:28

Meaning self-control. Society has a habit of idolising the notion of ‘treating yourself’ (instead of self-control), which is not bad in and of itself but is taken to mean indulging in refined sugar, alcohol, skin absorbing toxins like a lot of makeups, clothing fabrics etc. Temperance is the consistent habit and knowing of not taking anything into the body that will harm it, and also to know the correct balance to taking in moderation the good things. 

Learning to know and understand what will nourish us and what will harm us, this is our duty to ourselves. Things like refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, mould, and be very cautious of the electromagnetic field- your exposure to it- many of these should never enter our bodies, however the modern life style has flipped healthy living on its head and confused the masses with that’s good and bad, up and down, right and left. Proverbs is a great place to start when seeking to gain temperance. 

1 Peter 5:8 ESV Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.



  1. FOOD

“If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it” – Proverbs 25:16

What we eat every day is what we fuel our bodies with. So, the principle applies if you put bad fuel or the wrong fuel in an engine it will fail, become damaged or break all together, the same goes for how our body functions off the fuels (foods) we give it. Now our bodies are far more complex than any engine so how much more should we be considering how we maintain it! Individual diets will vary but the basics are the same. We need fibre, fats, herbs and grains. For anyone looking to improve of reset their eating habits a great place to start is way back at our beginning with The Garden of Eden Diet which tells us we must be having a high fibre diet. To also include nuts, seeds, good fats and oils. Many people today have issues like food intolerances, food allergies, yeast infections etc. all of this can be attributed to the foods we eat and don’t eat and even what our parents, grandparents, great grandparents ate! We must avoid refined sugar! Industrial Oils, canola, vegetable etc, hybridized wheat. 



  1. WATER

It should be no surprise to say that our bodies need water. We are mostly water at an average of 75%. We need hydration, the right hydration. Our bodies go through roughly 2.3 litres a day which must get replaced. 2 litres should come from pure water. the remaining can come from what we eat. being fruits, vegetables, herbal teas. our digestive enzymes are made from water. So, it’s not only important to eat nourishing food, it’s also important to drink good, mineral rich water. but not with our meals. as water dilutes the stomach acid it is best to stop drinking at least half an hour before eating and then resume around an hour after the meal. you can of course have a few sips if you’re thirsty. this will allow your digestive juices to remain nice and acidic. the stomach has to remain a very acidic environment so that the proteins we eat can be broken down. by not diluting the stomach it allows the mucosal wall to thicken and protect the stomach lining against the acid environment. 




  1. TRUST

Last but not least is Trust.

Trust that God has truly given us a body that is “fearfully and wonderfully made”. God has given you a body with an ability to maintain, repair and heal itself, given the right conditions. We truly are a wonderous creation, the intricate and balanced workings of all our inner cells and the resilience to manage and maintain even with the bombardment of all the harmful things modern life gives us to consume. 

God knew full well what He was doing long ag when He first pulled Adam from the soil. He knew what conditions His creation would be exposed to in times past, today, and well into the future. He gave us a resilient body, one that can repair given the proper nourishment and care. God gave us a guidebook, the Bible, where He freely shares with us the wisdom and guidance to know how to live the best life possible. He gave us these incredible brains to use reason, intellect, judgment and the spirit.  Jesus says “However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth..” – John 16:13. From the beginning He has given us all manner of herbs to help heal ad service our health. The main principle of health is to pray and seek guidance and council from our Creator. I believe that we have an innate ability to judge what is of help and what is a harm to us. If God made it for us to eat and use, then that’s what’s good for us. God created the body and so he also created its fuel. Vegetables, Fruits, Meats, Fats, Seeds, Nuts, Herbs, all of this was given to us to consume and to nourish our bodies. Why then would you believe that a man made, synthetic or bastardise ‘food’ or supplement is somehow superior to our Creators making?

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20