Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

“If you master only one herb in your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other”

                                                                                                                                        – Dr Schulze

I am personally a big fan of adding spice to food, though I wouldn’t say that I have a high tolerance for spicy food. I will sit with a plate of hot wings and be snotting and tearing, even wiping off excess sauce so I can manage to finish the meal. But I love it. And will continue to add hot sauce or spice to every meal that I can. Sprinkling cayenne or paprika on, pouring tabasco or sriracha to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even sushi is not safe from being topped off with some form of spice. 

So how happy can you imagine I was when I found out how incredibly and specifically good for you cayenne pepper is! My love for it had been validated in the best way possible. I was now an elite eater. Well, that’s a bit far but you get my point. Finding out how beneficial it can be is always in the back of my mind. I was already a big fan of adding it to everything. Now though I am definitely more thoughtful when I do have it, going the extra step to include it in a meal or juice. So, for all my spice-loving friends here is what I have learned so far about this glorious fiery pepper.


Some of the benefits of Cayenne pepper is that it gets blood moving. It is also the very best and quickest-acting blood thinner, making it a lifesaver in any event of a heart attack. You can give it to someone having a heart attack and it will get the blood vessels open and the blood moving quicker than anything. Use it when going on a plane in place of aspirin (which by the way has its own list of harmful side effects). 

Cayenne eliminates the need for aspirin or any blood thinning medication, which should come as some welcome news to many as all those medications have very nasty side effects, including brain bleeds. An easy way to add it to your morning and to get a great wake-up kick is pouring some in with your water or juice. 

Put it with any other herb and it will intensify their benefits. It is a very safe herb and will never cause harm to the body, making it impossible to abuse cayenne pepper or overdo its use. Obviously, this calls for common sense to be used. 

Cayenne is also a wonderful herb for your heart. Although it is a great blood thinner, when taken orally it will also constrict bleeding vessels, treat and heal stomach ulcers and open arteries to get blood moving to where it should. Meaning that it will stop leaks AND get the blood moving

Used externally you can put it straight on a cut to stop the bleeding. Use it as a poultice or compress to wake up an under-active thyroid, by just placing the Cayenne poultice on top of your thyroid for a few hours. It is useful to know that often the cause of either an over or underactive thyroid is iodine deficiency, as this is its main food source. Excess mercury in the body gobbles up your selenium which your thyroid needs to convert iodine into thyroxine. 

You can even rub some iodine on your temples to help relieve headaches and migraines. As migraines are caused due to blood flow being restricted to your brain, cayenne pepper with its blood flow benefits is good to ingest to help ease the causes. 

Cayenne pepper is incredibly helpful for your gut health. It promotes good digestion and increases gastric juices and helps promote enzyme production to break down foods. It also helps boost the good bacteria in your gut!

As it is incredible for treating inflammation it can be included in pain relief topically in creams or poultices to encourage blood flow and healing to the affected area. 

peppers are fantastic sources of antioxidants and other plant compounds that protect our cells and promote health,

Quick overview of more benefits! 

For a sore throat dissolve Cayenne pepper and natural rock salt in warm water and gargle, this will treat the cause and relieve symptoms. 

Relieves stomach aches, gas and cramps.

Stimulates and improves digestion, 

Helps ease inflammation in turn easing back pain, fibromyalgia arthritic joint pain

Lowers blood pressure and increases cardiovascular performance 

Protects and improves heart health

Significant health effects on the respiratory system and mucus membranes, Stimulates secretions and clears mucus from lungs and sinuses

Promotes excess weight loss, helps maintain a healthy weight, boosts metabolism 


Rebuilds stomach tissue

Supports peristaltic action in the intestines

Reduces plaque buildup in your arteries

Detoxifier helps to flush toxins from the body

Stimulates circulation

Neutralises (negative) acidity in the body

Improves blood sugar control 

Strengthens immunity

Neuralgia, nerve pain from sciatica, shingles

Packed with nutritional elements including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K, B6, Potassium, Manganese, Riboflavin, Iron, Calcium, Fiber and Protein, to name a few!

Anti-ageing benefits. Increases mitochondrial production by 50%

Antiviral support and effective against both HSV-1 and HSV-2

To ease pain and clear congestion

you can put cayenne pepper with any other herb and it’ll intensify its actions internally.

Treats and heals stomach ulcers, it is a wonderful healer it’ll constrict the bleeding vessels, 

if you need to open the arteries it’ll just open that, that’s how the herbs work with the body. 

Cayenne pepper moves blood,

If you have a cut you pour cayenne pepper into it and it’ll stop the bleeding. It is also impossible to cause a lesion with cayenne pepper.

Best blood thinner, no need for aspirin 

Very safe herb, it will never harm. You can also use it internally if someone has a heart attack.

High beta-carotene content, helps reduce symptoms of asthma and increases immunity

Reduces cholesterol levels

You can also use cayenne pepper to wake up areas of the body that may be sleeping ie underactive thyroid.