The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

the real anthony fauci

This review can be summed up in just a few words, and those words are “Holy Crap” 

I know I have the “100 books to read before you die” list and this is not on it but it is a book that everyone needs to read, not for its elegant writing, (though it’s well written) not for its interesting and unique story (though it certainly has one), and not for its amazing hero’s and villains (though it has both in spades). Rather it’s a book that everyone needs to read not because it’s enjoyable to read but because it is full of information that every human who lived through the un-named virus that was worldwide. You know the one. 


whether you believe it or not I’m sure you have heard that this book is full of Misinformation. Though the same people/media who claim this can’t point to what specifically is “misinformation”

This book sold more than enough copies to have been riding the top of every bestseller list however, it is missing from all of the big ones, not only that but trying to find a copy of it in a mainstream bookstore is damn near impossible. 

This book is full of facts and receipts, horrific receipts but receipts just the same. I thought that I knew a lot of what was happening at the time but I didn’t know half of it. 

The book goes over everything that happened beat by beat, methodically and thoroughly, laying out all the facts. Bringing to light just how badly we were steamrolled and how it happened. How the media lied, how politicians lied, how corrupted the whole system is, how an amazing death toll was swept under the rug and who got paid to do it.

All of this with a certain doctor at the helm rapidly steering the whole world into a disaster that could have very easily been avoided or at the very least without the death toll or impact on all of our lives. Not just a certain recent worldwide pandemic but the AIDs crisis as well. 

From the start of his career with the NIAID in 1984, Anthony Fauci jumped into bed with the Pharmaceutical companies and has spent the time since then making lots and lots of money for himself, big pharma, and a group of handpicked friends. Taking control and twisting the science to suit his agenda. Bullying, defunding and ostracising anyone who noticed that his science doesn’t quite add up. When he claims “I am the science” this man believes it. 

So yeah not a book I enjoyed reading but also a book that I could not stop reading. I don’t give ratings to books however in this case 100/10.

A book that should never have had to be written but the most important book of our generation.