Funder of Sound of Freedom arrested for child kidnapping… the full story

Sound Of Freedom

Funder of Sound of Freedom arrested for child kidnapping… the full story 


So, you have probably heard of the movie ‘Sound of Freedom’ by now and if you haven’t, well it’s the true story of Tim Ballard (played by Jim Caviezel) who quits his government job and devotes his life to rescuing children from child sex trafficking. Despite all the considerable hurdles facing this movie, it is having an incredible run at the box office, even beating out major Hollywood blockbusters! 


I am yet to see this movie as it hasn’t been released here in Australia at the time of posting, but I will be seeing it as soon as I can.


What I’m mainly going to talk about in this article is a news story that has been picked up and run by quite a lot of media that has come out against this movie and just how disingenuous the news has been. 

This news story first came to my attention on TikTok and I was a little shocked to see it honestly. Headlines kept coming up reading “Funder of Film ‘Sound of Freedom’ Charged in Child Kidnapping Case” and many more like it. 

Obviously, this is a concerning headline.

How could a movie that is all about exposing child trafficking be involved in the very thing it is claiming to fight?

The short answer is, it isn’t. 

Honestly, the lengths that this journalist went to twist this specific story into something to slander this movie are insane! Thank you to Deadline (a news website) for bringing some key details to light. 


So far the facts on this story are as follows 

  1. A 50yr old man by the name of Fabian Marta invested a little over $500 in a Go Fund Me campaign. That the creators of the, yet be made, movie had started to help get the film off the ground, as part of the campaign over 6600 people would get a credit in the final film including Mr Marta.

  2. The very same Mr Marta owns a rental property.

  3. The rental property that Mr Marta owns, just recently had a tenant that is now at the center of a custody dispute. 

  4. Mr Marta was arrested as an accessory to kidnapping and is pleading not guilty. 

I am sure that you can see how with a few twists of logic and ignoring certain facts you could create a news report with the title “Major financial investor behind The Sound of Freedom involved in Kidnapping” 


Makes you wonder why the mainstream media has become so hell-bent on discrediting a movie trying to stop child trafficking….